About Set In Stone


Hi, I'm Ewelina. I'm a Polish singer and songwriter, based in the UK.

My debut album ‘Set in Stone’ is about self-belief and self-love. I have always had big dreams of writing songs and singing them on the big stage, yet I didn’t believe I was good enough to do it. Not one member of my family has been involved in the music industry and I didn’t have anyone to guide me when I was young.

For years, I have been told, ‘stop dreaming, get back to earth and learn how to become successful with a 9-5 career.’ I would listen to these pieces of advice whilst continuing to write songs when everyone else slept. 

As the years went by, the voice in my head said my purpose in life is connected to music. It told me not to give up, however my fear and insecurities held me back until the 2020 pandemic. It was this time that made me realise how priceless time really is. 

During lockdown, I went for long walks along the coast line. One day as I was walking, I found a stone in the shape of a heart. I believed this one a sign from God to carry on with what I love doing - music.

I started working harder than I have ever done before so I could improve. I learnt to believe in myself, no matter what others said. I learnt to love myself and embrace my progress. I realised that the only person I should compare myself to is the person I was yesterday. 

‘Set In Stone’ is about my personal journey from being a timid sparrow and growing into a song bird flying free.

Insecurities are still a part of my life, and it is a constant struggle to overcome them, but I know now that my musical journey is the path I must follow.

This is my purpose. This is ‘Set In Stone.’